Home / Info About The Zambezi River

info about fishing the Zambezi River

From source to Victoria Falls

fishing the upper zambezi river


Times Of The Year

how and when to fish for Tigers on the upper Zambezi

here is a simple to use chart for the best time
to fish for Tigers on the upper Zambezi and what method to use.

DRIFT BAITINGxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
FLY FISHINGxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

method of fishing

basic guidelines

spinner and fly

may – december
april – june
september – december
Upper Zambezi
lower Zambezi

bait fishing

all year round

Upper Zambezi
lower Zambezi

Victoria Falls to lake kariba

fishing the middle zambezi river

dam fishing

Times Of The Year

Lake kariba to a wilderness beyond

fishing the lower zambezi river


Times Of The Year

Chris Wood

Owner/guide – TigerFishingZambezi (since 2004)

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